Information clause on data processing

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  • Based on Article 13 (1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: GDPR), we hereby inform that:

    1. The administrator of your personal data is PLATA KRZYSZTOF with its registered office in Wroclaw, at ul. Mikołowska 20, postal code 51-515, e-mail: lp.ewotoza-ymetsys-kpatalp.fotzsyzrk, tel.: 502370009.
    2. Regarding the processing of personal data, please contact Administration and Sales Manager at: lp.ewotoza-ymetsys-kpatalp.aglo, tel. +48 603 416 436.
    3. The processing your personal data is necessary for purposes arising from legitimate interests pursued by the administrator, i.e. for archival (evidence) purposes, for securing information in the event of a legal necessity to prove facts or perform duties, and for conducting operational activities.
    4. Your personal data will be stored for the time necessary to achieve the objectives listed in the previous point: - in terms of performing legal obligations and conducting operational activities - for the duration of their performance, including the time necessary to execute the order and the period of prescription of claims arising from the provisions of applicable law, - in terms of archiving - for the period in which the regulations require us to store data, - in terms of operating activities - until the legitimate interests of the administrator that constitute the basis for the processing of personal data exist.
    5. You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data as well as the right to limit its processing. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to its processing at any time without affecting the legitimacy of its processing, the right to transfer the data and the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
    6. You have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-950 Warsaw, should you consider the processing of your personal data violating the provisions of the GDPR.
    7. Providing the personal data is voluntary, but also necessary to achieve the objectives listed in point 4.
    8. Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.
    9. Your personal data will not be transferred to any data recipients or third parties.